Small Business Secrets : Keeping the Dream Alive

Small Business Secrets : Keeping the Dream Alive

How do you keep your small business dream alive when each day is a blur of people, serving customers, and non-stop emails?

 Consider three ideas to help you celebrate success, overcome obstacles, and find resources to build momentum and growth. 


1.     Make a list of successes (big or small) and add to it each week, new customers, an event that worked well, skills developed, problems solved, a good review, etc. Regularly shifting your focus to what’s working is encouraging and energizing.

2.     Challenges tend to drain our energy and fall to the bottom of our to-do list. Try this instead:

  •  Define the problem: write a few sentences about the situation from your perspective, now write from the perspective of the other person(s) involved.

  • Brainstorm: make a list of at least 5 possible solutions, don’t be afraid to include a few unlikely ones.

  • Pick one next step: you don’t have to solve the whole issue today. The first step could be to learn more, make a phone call, bounce your brainstorm list off a friend. Keep defining and taking another next step until you have a good resolution. 

3.     Commit to one networking activity and stick with it. If you attend random networking events your efforts to build relationships will feel disjointed. Pick one place to connect and get involved. Don’t just attend, but meet with people outside of the networking events each month. Investing in your network will pay off in friendships, support, and leads.

You’re here for a reason. Hold onto your dream, but be prepared to adjust as you learn, add to your team, and identify new opportunities.

  If you could use some input on growth strategies and next steps, contact me for a free consultation.

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